Sunday, March 9, 2008

Penny Candy

Dear Gabby,

There’s this cute guy in my high school English class, “Johnny,” who I wanted to get with for a long time. Finally he invited me over to his house, and he told me he wanted me to give him head. So I did. We did this for a few weeks and then he got his trophy girlfriend “Stephanie” and didn’t want to see me anymore.

I asked him why. I thought we had something. He said “You’re like penny candy. You’re cheap, and easy to reach, but when I get the more expensive stuff from the top shelf, why would I settle for you?”

Now I think he was just using me for blow jobs, and I’m angry because I gave him so much and he gave me nothing in return. Now I hate him and myself.

Penny Candy

Dear Penny,

Johnny is a psychopath, and had no right to treat you that way. The way one treats others is a reflection of oneself. I believe that when someone is attracted to you, you should be respectful of their feelings, because when someone is willing to do almost anything for you, it’s a gift. He chose to treat this gift like a piece of trash, because that’s a reflection of what he is.

My advice: Don’t waste your time hating him or yourself. Forget about him. I bet there are lots of charming cute boys would jump through hoops of fire for you, though right now it may not feel that way.