Friday, March 7, 2008

Seat Up or Down?

Hey Doc,

My girlfriend sometimes gets annoyed at me for leaving the seat up. She’s like “is it so hard to put it down when you’re finished?” And I’m like “Is it so hard to put it down yourself?” I mean, what if I’m the one using next after myself, then I’ve put it down and back up again for nothing. I know it’s not really a big deal for us, more like one of those small annoyances, but I wanted your take on the whole thing.

Let me overgeneralize for a second. Women tend to see symbolism in things that men tend to find trivial or mundane. If it helps, try to think of putting the seat down as a small “I love you” when you pass her in the hallway. She’ll notice that you put the seat down just as sure as you grabbed her and kissed her. And also, if you find it so much of a pain, why don’t you just sit on the toilet yourself. That’s why there’s a seat. You’re at home. Sit down. Relax. It feels nice. In many households, the seat is never up for that reason.