Thursday, March 13, 2008


Dear Gabby,

I just found out that I’m pregnant, and I’m very excited. I’m getting married to my fiancée in the fall, but that means that I’m going to be nine months pregnant. I’d like to change the wedding date, but it has a special significance to us, so for now I’m not saying anything. Do you think this is unwise? Should we change it?

Peggie Preggers

Dear Preggers,

For the love of everything that’s holy, change your wedding date. Do you really want to waddle down the aisle like that? Everybody’s going to think it’s a shotgun wedding. And what if your water breaks? Can you imagine what that will do to your precious wedding dress? I understand this date is important to you, but be reasonable; so is your wedding. If it really has to be on that day, you might try postponing it for a year, but do you really want to wait that long, and then have a 12-month-old infant crying in the background? Your 12-month-old infant? Have it in the summer. People love summer weddings.